With results like this...

it's no wonder parents all over the world are raving about my research-based approach to rebuilding their marriage!

I get it...

You've tried being less reactive, you've tried date nights, you've even tried couples therapy-

You try meeting all their needs, then you get burned out & resentful so you try boundaries- 

and when none of it works you think 'there's no point. nothing I do matters anyways'.

Then you say fck it & give up on trying not to react - which is when you either cut them off and shut down OR you stop holding back and tell them what you really think.


The problem?- It's happening all the time.

Maybe you manage to stretch your willpower to be less reactive through the week but when the weekend rolls around-

and you're frustrated because they don't want to come to family lunch and allll the unexpressed anger comes out.

And it's like every time you swear you'll get your sht together-

you just end up feeling inadequate because you can't seem to get off the emotional roller coaster and take control of your own reactions.

And if you're like most partners before they start working with me, you probably feel helpless, frustrated and tired of thinking about your relationship 24/7

Which one of these applies to you?

  • You swear you'll respond more maturely next time & then when you inevitably react you go into a shame spiral for days.
  • You pendulum swing between 'just be grateful' and 'what if I'm settling? I want more'.
  • You avoid spending time with them, then you feel bad so you overcompensate with people pleasing- which just makes you more resentful.

You're not alone. It's not your fault. Pinky promise.

So if you've ever:

- Scheduled regular date nights to try and reconnect

- Made compromises to try and agree on a mutually satisfying solution

- Focused on communicating differently to resolve conflicts

- Given your partner an ultimatum to do couples therapy together

and you're wondering 'why is this not working for me?'


We've been sold a fake view of what love looks like by the $65 billion romance film industry for years.

The romance film industry & other cultural influences perpetuate the idea that there's a perfect match out there for you.

And that when you find this perfectly compatible soulmate- you'll never clash or have the same old argument. Everything will go smoothly.

And so when you find yourself stuck in a rut with your partner, you get distracted worrying about your compatibility rather than equipping yourself with the skills you need to manage your differences effectively. 

And then the more incompatible you feel, the more certain you feel that your partner needs to change-

which keeps you focused on things you can't control- which makes you feel more helpless as you keep trying to follow the path of fixing your marriage that you know isn't working for you.

Here's the deal👇🏽

If you don't learn how to spot when you're slipping in to the cycle of disconnection & gain the skills to course correct-

your relationship will continue like groundhog day with no end in sight.

You will continue to live life obsessing over trying to fix your marriage rather than enjoying it.

..and if you're anything like me, you've put your entire life on hold telling yourself

- I'll do this when our marriage is in a better place.

- I'll do this when I have more time.

- I'll do this after 6 months of couples therapy.

It's time to change your story

 Where else in your life are you waiting for things outside of your control to change - so that YOU can change?

The only difference between you and the partners who break out of the rut? They decided they were going to stop doing the same things over and over again.


They decided to make a change.

Hi there! I'm Megs,


I started my self growth journey wanting to manage my emotions so I could communicate better with my husband-

But my new self awareness quickly turned into beating myself up unless I felt positive all the time, and so any time I reacted emotionally to something I thought it meant I had yet more healing & growth to do. 

I was constantly psychoanalysing both of us. And the fact that he wasn't interested in self growth made me worry that I'd outgrow him or that we weren't compatible.

I believed the only way for us to overcome our problems was for him to be as committed to self growth as I was. All the marriage & relationship advice seemed to confirm this too-  so my emotional wellbeing became 100% dependent on him prioritising his healing.

The problem? Needing him to prioritise self growth slowed down rebuilding our relationship.

So let me ask you this.

Do you really want to keep being a prisoner of codependent relationship strategies that don’t serve you?

Do you want to stay in this cycle of responding, messing up, starting over- and have it last for years? 
Or, do you want to finally learn how to step off the emotional rollercoaster, communicate more effectively and feel more confident & secure in your marriage?



That helps you take laser focused action each month so you make consistent progress towards the marriage you want.

Your complete, holistic system for healing the cycle of disconnection & overcoming your persistent challenges, so you can rebuild your marriage better than ever and model healthy, emotionally secure communication for your kids.

HMS is the only community where you fix the roommates rut  from the inside out in just a matter of weeks in as little as 15 minutes a day

- Truly forgive your partner for the past while keeping the lessons so you can finally go all-in on rebuilding your relationship with them in an emotionally safe way.

- Discover how to heal the cycle of disconnection so you can actually move forwards instead of going round in circles on your recurring problems.

 - Master 6 simple no nonsense communication approaches with a plug and play format that takes the intimidation out of communicating vulnerably with your partner.

- Learn a proven, powerful process for making confident decisions so you can finally overcome your recurring relationship problems and start getting your needs met now while those problems are a work in progress

So you can be like them...

Break Out of the Roommates Rut in 4 Simple Steps

Step One

Heal the Cycle of Disconnection

- Uncover why you react the way you do when you're triggered

- Learn to spot the cycle of disconnection so you can course correct & prevent communication breakdown

- Learn the 3 simple steps to respond instead of react so you can stop having the same old fight and create a better outcome.

- Release the past while keeping the lessons. Free yourself from the pain of the past, while bringing the wisdom you need to make decisions to protect yourself so you can go all-in and fully reinvest with your partner again

Step Two

Master No Nonsense Communication

Understand exactly why your attempts to repair haven't worked in the past despite your best efforts

- Discover how to stop being ruled by your emotions & communicate from a secure, clear head

- How to express yourself & advocate for your needs including how setting an effective boundary can be the most loving option for your relationship.

- Simple, no nonsense communication approaches for you to tailor to your unique relationship & circumstances.

Step Three

Overcome Recurring Problems

- How to fully reinvest in overcoming your recurring problems without the fear of 'are we too incompatible?'

- Discover the 'false third option' that you've been clinging to, that's blocking you from conquering your persistent relationship problems

- Discover how to get your needs met even if your recurring relationship problems are a work in progress so you can build positive momentum *today* in your relationship

- Learn the rinse & repeat formula that makes any relationship problem figuroutable, so you never get stuck & stagnant again

Step Four

Respark Connection

- Identify your specific unmet needs so you can so you can better articulate it to your partner

- See your partner with fresh eyes with a powerful, research based process that you can practice whenever things feel stale

- How to maintain connection with your partner regardless of your hormones, moods & energy levels. 

- Discover the Low/Mid/High Energy Quality Time Challenge that supports you to build quality time into your day based on your energy levels.


Ok Megs, what's the investment?

Like most people who try to fix their communication in their marriage, you could spend YEARS trying to figure this out on your own.

Podcast after podcast, more willpower, more psychoanalysis, subtly shaming your partner in to changing... all the things you've been trying that haven't worked-

You can continue to do it on your own.

Seeing a couples therapist can cost upwards of $800 per month-

Including having to make sure your partner also connects with the therapist & is fully engaged in the process (because if not, research shows that a disengaged partner makes couples therapy 50% less effective)

Or... you can get the skills you need to never stagnate in your relationship again. With coaching, accountability, support & a proven system.


Respark connection & get out of the roommates  rut (for good)

for only 

$97/month (access for both you & your partner)



Recurring payment - cancel anytime!

✔️Both you & your partner get full access

✔️Heirloom Communication Curriculum

✔️Respark Connection Course

✔️Monthly Q+A Calls with Megs

✔️Editable PDFS & Workbooks

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee




Best Value: Get 3 Months FREE!

✔️Everything you get inside the monthly program

✔️30 Day Reconnection Challenge

✔️FREE 1 week private 1:1 coaching ($297 value)

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee


You're Also Protected By Our 2-Click Promise & Money-back Guarantee

When you hear “cancel at any time” for a membership you start to wonder - what’s the PROCESS for getting out of my membership? Usually it’s an email, a convo, and it truly feels like a PAINFUL PROCESS. But not in Heirloom Marriage Society.

All you have to do is login to your account, click to your profile, and click cancel. In TWO CLICKS your membership is cancelled - you click - we handle the rest. PLUS A 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE

If you become an Heirloom Marriage Society member and decide within 30 days it isn’t right for you - just let us know and we will refund your payment (yearly or monthly, it doesn’t matter).

What You Get At-A-Glance

When you join the Heirloom Marriage Society Membership, you get immediate access to the private online membership portal. In it, you’ll find:

  • The Heirloom Communication curriculum including ​6 Modules & 40+ lessons designed for easy implementation &  fast results

  • Short, consumable 5 min - 35 min lessons that slip seamlessly in to your busy schedule

  • Unlock exclusive bonus lessons inside the curriculum by submitting short feedback forms which I use to refine the curriculum to ensure I continue delivering a gold standard program
  • ​A Monthly Q+A session to get personalised support
  • Access to all past Q+A session recordings
Click Here To Join

Plus Receive over $1,500 in Additional Bonuses

Because I want you to get the most out of the Heirloom Marriage Society Membership, I also include some high-value Quick Start bonuses that can help you get off and running with results.

You will get access to all of these bonuses in the online membership portal.

Quantum Connection 

Discover how to use instinct & intuition to respark connection with your partner. These 4 videos will support you to reconnect with each other even during times when your relationship is tense or strained. We go beyond the cookie-cutter ideas of date nights & love languages and tap in to your inner knowing to fast-track progress.  $697 value!

Momentum 7 Day Breakthrough Series

Feel like rebuilding your marriage will take too long? Change doesn't take time, it takes courage. Start the process of repairing your relationship with your partner in just 7 days. Get ready for 4+ hrs of real-talk about the nitty gritty steps of healing your relationship.  $297 value!

Tame the 5 Destructive Reactions

A 2 part Workshop on overcoming the 5 most destructive reactions: criticism, defensiveness, control, shutting down & contempt. You'll discover the unmet needs underneath the surface of these reactions & more effective, more responsive ways to approach getting these needs met. $497 value!

Solo, But Not Alone- Partner Involvement Masterclass

Want to include your partner without putting pressure on them? Solo, But Not Alone will show you how to approach them about participating without pushing them away, including low-intensity partner involvement exercises. $197 value!


Your First 60 Days Inside the Membership

While membership's can be overwhelming, we set it up so that you have KEY CONTENT to focus on for your first 60 days.


We call it your 60 day Release & Reset Plan

Here’s what you can expect me to show you inside the membership in your first weeks...

Declare a Clean Slate

Forgive your partner & yourself for the past, while bringing the lessons with you. Get ready to feel 100x lighter and fully equipped to face the future with unshakeable confidence.

Heal The Cycle of Disconnection

Build momentum fast with a simple 3 step process for stepping out of the triggering dynamic by spotting it early and knowing your exact next steps to create a better outcome.

Get Fresh Eyes on Your Recurring Problems

Learn a powerful emotional intelligence exercise for taking a big, overwhelming problem and shrinking it into something doable & manageable. 

After just a few weeks you'll be course correcting out of your negative cycle with ease and your recurring problems will be lighter & more manageable.



To recap, let's look at what you get inside


 Heirloom Communication core curriculum, plus you get Quantum Connection Course for free, Momentum Series & Tame the 5 Destructive Reactions


➜ Interactive workbooks so you can apply all the teachings in your routine, so you actually use the information


➜ Overcome recurring problems with a rinse & repeat process that works for even the most persistent, triggering challenges


 ➜ No nonsense communication tools with plug & play templates so can build on your skills & become your fully expressed self


 ➜ 24/7 support in the membership community where you have direct access to me tocelebrate your wins, ask questions, and get through roadblocks 


 Monthly Coaching & Q+A sessions from yours truly to answer your questions, clear up your doubts & keep you motivated and on track


 ➜ 6 Modules (40+ lessons) so you get the step-by-step roadmap to leave the roommates rut behind for good without the guesswork! 


 ➜ Programs & workshops that compliment Heirloom Communication & support you to get the most out of your Membership


Choice #1: Do nothing

As you probably already know, nothing changes if nothing changes. You can keep on trying to have more willpower or try to ‘figure it out on your own,’ but without the proper tools and support, you’ll make little progress. 

Choice #2: Start with us

If you know you're ready for a change and to get the tools that actually work - and you’re ready to finally communicate like an emotionally secure adult, start responding with ease and finally enjoy your marriage again - then the choice is simple.

Simply click the button below & your complete holistic system for rebuilding your marriage and myself will be waiting for you on the other side! 


If you’re still on the fence, unsure if you should take the leap - I want to share one last thing with you. 


If you don’t make a point to break through what’s been holding you back & change your ways of thinking, the feeling of inadequacy and not being good enough will continue to hold you back in every area of youre life.

If you keep waiting for your circumstances to be ‘just right’ before you change, you are going to end up watching your life pass you by. 

You deserve to stop being a spectator on the sidelines of your own life.


Join the Heirloom Marriage Society for only 




Recurring payment - cancel anytime!

✔️Both you & your partner get full access

✔️Heirloom Communication Curriculum

✔️Respark Connection Course

✔️Monthly Q+A Calls with Megs

✔️Editable PDFS & Workbooks

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee




Best Value: Get 3 Months FREE!

✔️Everything you get inside the monthly program

✔️30 Day Reconnection Challenge

✔️FREE 1 week private 1:1 coaching ($297 value)

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee



If you are looking for more support...


and you know you're ready to go all-in from the start, then VIP is for you.  

when you join HMS VIP you're going to get everything in the membership plus One 1:1 Messaging Day Weekly- Simply add VIP option at checkout & we will email you all the info you need after purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions


Rekindle your mad, passionate love- while modelling healthy, emotionally secure communication for your kids in the process. 


Join Heirloom Marriage Society

for only 




Recurring payment - cancel anytime!

✔️Both you & your partner get full access

✔️Heirloom Communication Curriculum

✔️Respark Connection Course

✔️Monthly Q+A Calls with Megs

✔️Editable PDFS & Workbooks

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee




Best Value: Get 3 Months FREE!

✔️Everything you get inside the monthly program

✔️30 Day Reconnection Challenge

✔️FREE 1 week private 1:1 coaching ($297 value)

✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee